
DanubeHEAT brings together experts and executives of the renewable energy sector in the Danube Region to develop innovative ideas and push forward environmentally-friendly and sustainable heat generation in Eastern Europe. Together with SMEs, universities, schools, research facilities and city legislations we develop new ideas for collaborative projects in the European Union's Horizon 2020 framework programme and accompanying funding schemes. Our proposals are embedded in the following topic areas:

Market diffusion
Industrially used process heat and renewable alternatives by studies on technical potential and branch analyses.
Societal transformation
Public private partnerships for civic energy projects or procurement measures.
Techno-economic solutions
Exploiting the economic and ecological potential of the Danube River by help of innovative market-cases with solar heat and biomass.
DanubeHEAT is harmonized with the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and the European Solar Heating and Cooling Strategy. Its goals are aligned with the vision supported by the Solar Heating and Cooling Roadmap by the European Solar Thermal Technology Platform (ESTTP).


Extended Network


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DanubeHEAT welcomes partners with expertise and interest in renewable heat generation in Eastern Europe. If you are interested in joining our network, please complete and submit the form below. Upon successful registration you will be added to the DanubeHEAT mailing list for up to date information on all further meetings and the opportunity to be part of our consortia.

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